Let us bring you into our world for a peek into the design thoughts that builds our designs philosophy.
Design Intent
A precise design intent allows designers to have clear directives when they create. Outfyt is all about design, it's something we value as much as being sustainable. Therefore, we include sustainability considerations already from the start of the design process, making it a part of our design intent. The four pillars we base our design intent on forms a comprehensive design ethos that is uniquely Outfyt. Here is a short explanation of each pillar:

1. FUNCTION - quality design requires function
While we love using performance materials, our thoughts about design functions goes beyond great sustainable materials that also upholds multiple functions from compression to sweat wicking and UV protection. Some aspects we take into consideration during the design process are multi-use, support and comfort. We design with the mindset that Outfyt activewear should be versatile and also worn as leisure wear from morning until night without compromising on quality.
"Form Follows Function"
2. MINIMALISM - less is more
With minimalistic design we let the content speak for itself. Our designs are calm, and artfully crafted leaving no space for mistakes. Minimalistic designs are far from simple instead we aim to streamline materials, colours, design and construction in order to create harmony and balance without sacrificing functionality. Another aspect of minimalism we keep in mind when we create curated items is to allow the buyer to have fewer items in their wardrobe as each garment could be worn for a multiple usages; from swim to gym and from morning to night. With this minimalist outlook, Outfyt goes against the concept of over-consumerism.

3. CLEAN LINES - timeless & elegant
All Outfyt designs are based on a design language that celebrates contemporary, elegant and lasting concepts with a softness and playfulness that is subtly sophisticated. The clean lines in our designs enhances and flatters the female form rather than hiding it, celebrating self confidence and girl power!

4. SUSTAINABILITY - starts with design
The fashion industry has a large responsibility when it comes to making sustainable choices. If we are going to tackle the existential threat of climate change, the fashion industry needs to urgently address its unsustainable practices. You can read more about the sustainability efforts Outfyt has put in place here.To inspire you further we have recently developed a simple guide to sustainability for small companies that you can request for by sending us an email. We hope that by sharing the knowledge we can help on the way to a more sustainable future.
Let us hear from you
As we design with you in mind we always love to hear what you would like to see from us next. Pop into our store for a chat or catch us on our social media platforms. We look forward to connect!